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Blurring lines to find focus. Spotlighting core gameplay. Making games real people play. 


I imbue higher educational curriculums and advanced technical certifications in support of: traditional and digital art production, game theory, web and mobile application and motion design, digital gaming and interactive media development, and mixed, virtual and augmented reality concept prototyping and communication; into the creation and ownership of lone-developer and remote team downloadable video game software.

Frisson, EFB, Neon Pomegranate, Early Access, Unedited Requiem

Frisson™ is a single-player press start to play arcade game with an unlockable story, branching paths, achievements, and high-velocity audio-visual gameplay, set to an infinite-runner sci-fi vapor core. It features awesome music, heavy neon influence, randomly generated hazards, and audio-visualized stages, all interconnected with an arcade-style dark vapor story.


Collect fragments of memories to rebuild the story of a near hopeless past, as you race toward the horizon in an endless fight for survival, to escape or renew a world crumbling on the brink of destruction.

Frisson, EFB, Neon Pomegranate, Early Access, Unedited Requiem

As Above So Below™ (AASB) is as a gravity-shifting 2d side-scrolling platformer enhanced by fantastical abilities and a unique cast of characters set within an expansive fictional world inspired by Greek mythos.

EFB | Wix
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